Over 150,000 Americans pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) yearly. Better known as an MBA, it’s a graduate degree that can help you advance your career while working in fields such as accounting, finance, or marketing.

Securing an MBA can make career advancement possible by guiding your professional development. However, if you need to learn how to balance an MBA and a job, enrolling in an MBA program could also put you in a tough position. It could wreak havoc on your work-life balance.

These tips can enable busy professionals to balance an MBA and a job effectively.

Create Realistic Goals

The average full-time student completes an MBA program within one to two years. If you can fully devote yourself to an MBA program for the next 12 months, getting an MBA within this time frame may be possible.

If, however, you plan to work full-time while taking MBA courses part-time, there may be other options than obtaining an MBA in 12 months. Give yourself another year or even two years to work your way through an MBA program to avoid feeling overworked. You’ll want to devote your full attention to in-depth courses like:

  • Accounting for Decision Makers
  • Leadership Skills for Managers
  • Managerial Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Business Policy and Decision-Making

Consider your current situation and set goals accordingly. 

Practice Time Management

Studies suggest that between 80 and 90% of college students struggle with time management. If you know this is an issue, working on your time management skills before signing up for an MBA program could be the key to your success.

By making the most of every minute each day, you can give yourself enough time to tend to your job and your schoolwork. Learning the latest prioritization strategies can also have a positive impact on your ability to use your time wisely without feeling overwhelmed.

Seek Personal and Professional Support

Surrounding yourself with a strong support system can make it easier to balance an MBA and a job. This support system should consist of family members and friends as well as coworkers and even your bosses from work.

Feel free to let your direct manager know about your MBA dreams. Your company might be willing to help pay for you to get an advanced degree. It might also assist you in finding more time during the day to focus on your studies.

Balance an MBA and a Job With Help From Everglades University

Need help balancing an MBA and a job? Everglades University is here to help. Our 12-month MBA program offers a variety of online and on-campus courses with flexible scheduling options for busy professionals.

Discover more about the MBA programs at Everglades University now.